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Free Energy Corporation  

   Large Commercial Wind Turbines

 Since the 1980’s wind turbine manufacturers have been producing wind turbines with a capacity in excess of 100 kW. The scale of commercially available wind turbines increased to over 1 MW by the late 1990’s, and to 5 MW by 2006. The reason for the increasing capacity is the greater efficiency of the system and the improved economies of scale. The picture below shows how the scale of available wind turbines has increased over the past 2 decades.

Figure 1 – Wind Turbine Power output scale

Large wind turbines are now available from 100 kW to over 6,000 kW. Those belonging to the lower end of this scale are typically installed individually on small farms or businesses, whilst the top end of this scale are used in off-shore wind farms. Turbines ranging from 1 to 3 MW are typically used on industrial sites or in modern on-shore wind farms.
 The amount of power a wind turbine can generate depends on the rating of the wind turbine and the wind regime in which it is to operate. The ‘rating’ is the maximum amount of power the turbine can generate after a certain wind speed (typically 25mph). The power that a wind turbine can generate varies according to the cube of the wind speed, so that doubling the wind speed will produce eight times as much power. It is therefore important to ensure that wind farms are installed on tall towers on windy sites with exposure to the prevailing wind directions.
 A suitable wind farm site will therefore:
 * Have a good wind power resource of at least 7m/s (15mph) at the hub height of the wind turbines (check at www.bwea.com/noabl);
 * Not be too close to residential buildings (400m – 800m clearance is typical);
 * Not be sited on or near areas of outstanding natural beauty, special protected areas, special areas of conservation, and sites of special scientific interest etc.
 * Not be too near military or civil flight paths, tactical training areas, radars or airports (15km is a typical minimum radius).

For further information contact Free Energy Corporation toll free at (877) 482-7200, local to the Kansas City area at (816) 461-8989, or send an E-mail to Free Energy Corporation (jfranke@freeenergycorp.com).


Free Energy Corporation

605 N. High Street

Independence, MO 64050

(877) 482-7200

(816) 461-8989