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Free Energy Corporation |
Missouri Energy Incentives: Incentive #1 For our Missouri residence and business owners did you know you could get up to $1200 through Missouri Gas Energy (MGE) and Kansas City Power & Light (KCP&L) with the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program: Call or e-mail us today and ask for a Home Performance Energy Audit Today. Contact Josh Frankeberger at, call toll free at (877) 482-7200, or local to the Kansas City area at (816) 461-8989 for details.Incentive #2 State and local governments are adopting initiatives to reduce the energy burden on homeowners by improving the energy performance of their homes. The State of Missouri has taken a leadership role in this effort by launching a new program that provides a state income tax deduction for the cost of a home energy audit and the installation of the energy improvements recommended by the energy audit. The deduction begins in the 2009 tax year. To qualify for the tax deduction, the energy auditor must be performed by an energy auditor certified by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The State of Missouri's certification is being based on the energy audit training and certification standards that RESNET has adopted. Contact Free Energy to find out about how to qualify. |
Kansas Energy Incentives: For those of you who live in Kansas, do you know about the Efficiency Kansas program? You can get following through the Efficiency Kansas Loan Program: A $350 rebate for an energy audit A 4% interest loan of up to $20,000 ($30,000 for small businesses) As a result of this program you can lower your monthly energy bills and increase the comfort and value of your home at a reasonable interest rate that is based off of your monthly utility savings. Call or e-mail us today and ask for a Home Performance Energy Audit Today. Contact Josh Frankeberger at, call toll free at (877) 482-7200, or local to the Kansas City area at (816) 461-8989 for details. |
Energy Incentives for Everyone: Incentive #1 A home Energy Audit when performed correctly and recommended improvements are implemented will do the following:
Incentive #2 There are many federal tax credits available as well - get the government to pay for 30% of your home upgrade. Incentive #3 The Home Star Program (A.K.A. Cash for Caulkers) - This program is not published yet, but it could be the first federal funded energy efficiency rebate program. We will keep you all updated. Just sign in to our news letter and or blog site to get up to date announcements. Link to newsletter Contact Josh Frankeberger at, call toll free at (877) 482-7200, or local to the Kansas City area at (816) 461-8989 for details.
Free Energy Corporation 605 N. High Street Independence, MO 64050 (877) 482-7200 (816) 461-8989 |