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Free Energy Corporation  

   Solar Thermal

Solar water heating is a simple, straight-forward technology that can reduce your home’s total energy use up to 20%.
 Our dependence on fossil fuels has led to sky-high energy prices and serious environmental problems. But at the Free Energy Corporation, we make it easy to tackle rising utility rates and worsening environmental problems with solar water heating systems that heat water for your home using the clean, renewable power of the sun.
 Save Money – Conventional water heating can account for nearly 25% of your home’s total energy use, but you can slash these costs up to 80% by using a solar water heating system.
 Increase Your Home’s Value – Homes with solar water heating systems grow in value up to $10,000 for every $500 in annual utility savings.

 Decrease Pollution – Reduce your consumption of fossil fuels and lower your contribution to global warming, smog, and acid rain.

 How to Use the Sun to Heat Your Home’s Water
 Solar Water Heating Systems are Simple, Compact, and Durable
 Since a solar water heating system doubles as a home improvement and a smart investment in the future, we’ve designed our systems to be simple, compact, and reliable.
 Simple – Solar water heating systems need almost no maintenance, aside from replacing the heat transfer fluid every three to five years.
 Compact – Typical systems require only 64 ft2 of roof space and are built with solar collectors that measure only 4’ x 8’ x 3”-(Two solar collectors).
 Durable – Solar collectors are protected from extreme temperatures, are optimized for year-round performance, and have life spans of 30 years or more.

Residential Solar Hot Water Incentives
 Federal Income Tax Credit:
 * 30% of total system cost.

 * Can be combined with geothermal and wind tax credits
 * Can be combined with energy-efficient building deduction
 * Building located in U.S.

Equipment must be certified by Solar Rating Certification Corporation (SRCC)

At least half of the energy used to heat the water must come from solar
  * Installed between 10/3/2009 and 12/31/2016

Getting a Solar Water Heating System in 3 Easy Steps

At Free Energy Corporation, we believe getting a solar water heating system should be easy. That’s why we’ve developed a simple 3-step process:

 1. Site Evaluation – Our experts will conduct a free, comprehensive site evaluation to help determine if a solar electric system is right for you.
 2. Design and Engineering – Our engineers will custom design the highest quality, most aesthetically pleasing sol 3. Installation – Our expert installers and project managers will ensure your installation meets our rigid standards by handling every aspect, including permit documentation and interconnection with your electricity provider.


Free Energy Corporation

Free Energy Corporation is an authorized InFloor Residential Solar Thermal Energy Systems Dealer.


Free Energy Corporation

605 N. High Street

Independence, MO 64050

(877) 482-7200

(816) 461-8989